Sunday 10 April 2011

PKR Live 6 - Need To Start My Campaign

I've just realised that I've hardly had any attempts to satellite into PKR Live 6. In fact, as far as I recall, I think I've only tried just the one Stage 1 attempt. What I need to do is to start a few Stage 2 attempts and see how I get on. The thing is, as big buy-in MTTs are not really my thing, I'm not really going to knock myself out qualifying for this. Just 3 or 4 pops at Stage 2 (for $36 each) will suffice I think. Then, if I still haven't made any progress, I'll try just the one effort at a final stage satellite followed by the very remote possibility of entering their last chance saloon satellite which PKR put on right at the end.

That's it.

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