Tuesday 12 April 2011

Running Through Treacle

Yep, this month has been SLOW! SLOW! SLOW!
After a promising start and then throwing it all away to break-even, my progress this month, or lack of it, has been very painful indeed. Although the live session through Saturday night and Sunday morning (9th and 10th of April) offered a glimmer of new hope AND my online play on Sunday picked things up, yesterday's play and this morning has seen me shrivel back down to break-even again. 

Once again, this has had me questioning whether the mid-stakes online game has just become so shark-infested that it's hardly worth swimming in the waters anymore. But then again, over the last day or so I've had shockingly bad cards and the few shockingly bad players that are out there just continue to hit their outs - it's a tad frustrating to say the least. Yep, maybe for the pros who are able to spend longer periods studying the game, the waters are easier to traverse - but for your average Joe Schmoe it's just becoming progressively more difficult to navigate. I'm really starting to believe that live play is where it's really at now. 
With the forecast being sunny today but with cloud and rain hitting tomorrow and the next day, I'm thinking of knocking the online game on the head for the day and getting out and about. I've already arranged to meet the missus in town for a few drinks and a meal in the early evening so maybe I should just head on down there right now and do some clothes shopping or something. There's a possibility that I'll be heading to The Empire for some cash game action much later but I'll probably avoid The Fox tonight.
P.S. Well, it's now getting on for 4PM and I took the "stay at home to play more online poker" route. Unfortunately, with the usual demons still floating around, I've made matters worse and have dropped down to £50 in the red at the online game for this month. It just wasn't happening, and just when I thought it was (all-in with two pair and an 80% favourite on the turn) my terrible villain called the all-in and hit his gutshot straight on the river to pull the rug from under me. Well played my friend, well played.

With a live game deficit of £40 for the month it's going to be interesting to see how I fair over the next few days because this is the first time I have been down both live AND online during a month. I'm definitely going through a rocky patch at the moment so I think this evening's session at The Empire (should I choose to accept the challenge) will be a good test of character. If I do go ahead I'll be sure to write up a trip report as per usual regardless of the result.

1 comment:

  1. Wobble, I think your are concentrating on a loss over too small a sample size. Its very easy to not make a profit over a few thousand hands.
