Saturday 2 April 2011

April - Bright And Fresh

Well, the summer months are fantastic and you really can't beat the month of August (which is a month where I just don't have to work and still get paid) but April comes pretty close. For a start, with the clocks going forward everything is so much brighter and full of life. It's actually still daylight when I look out of the window at 7 o'clock in the evening and I think it just cheers everyone up. Secondly, it's when the easter holiday arrives and so for those in the teaching profession that means at least two weeks off work - this year we even get an additional bank holiday and the royal wedding thrown in - hurrah!! Finally, it also heralds in five months of better weather and more sunshine all round - I really like April me.

This morning, I am sitting up in bed with my trusted laptop on my lap (it's given almost five years service and I've still only had to re-install the operating system once - although it's really overdue another re-install which I just haven't got round to doing just yet). The sun is shining and I'm contemplating what to do today on this fine Saturday morning. As far as online poker is going this April, early indications showed that my rocket was still heading well up into outer space when I had a £150 profit yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately, things got a bit bumpy last night and this morning - I took a big dive and blew all £150 of that and I'm back to break-even. Sigh.

Still, this evening I think a visit into town is beckoning. I'm undecided whether it'll be The Fox for their £38 freezeout or whether a proper overdue sesh at The Empire for some £1/£2 is in order. If it's The Empire, I'm going to keep off the booze and go for a really mean £400 buy-in "A+" game approach. If it's The Fox, it'll probably be my usual get merry and tipsy "C" game style. I wonder if I should really stop doing this though.

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