Friday 22 April 2011

Maybe A Live Session Today

I'm presently enjoying a nice easter break away from the big city in sunny Bournemouth. Tomorrow I make my return to London which just leaves me one more evening. This afternoon, it's a five and a half mile country walk in the Dorset countryside which is just what I need to clear my head.

This means that I just may visit the Gala tonight on Westover Road for some cash game actions or maybe even a freezeout. The only problem is, when I joined up on my last visit, my passport was out-of-date. They gave me a membership card but asked me to make sure I renewed my passport on my next visit. Unfortunately, I've applied for a new passport but it's all in the post. I might phone them up and ask if it's ok this one time. If I make it tonight, I'll give a trip report.

Now for that long country walk...

P.S. No Live poker tonight. Too tired.

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