Saturday 9 April 2011

TILT! And My Biggest Pot Of The Year So Far

It's Saturday morning and I had a wild night at the ol' online poker last night. First off, as I pointed out in my last post ((Back Down To Earth With A Bump), I blew $300 pretty sharpish at the cash tables when I sat down to play yesterday afternoon. About 5 hours later, after getting knocked out, once again, by PirateNation (with my 77 losing to his AK after the king duly hit on the flop) I managed a massive mincash payout in the $55 Primetime  Friday Super Deep Stack for a huge $23.30 profit.


After this I did what I said I wouldn't do in yesterday's post and sat down to more cash games. Yep, with tilt-induced bad play and a B game which said I could SURELY win a few bob before turning in for the night, I proceeded to donk off ANOTHER $200 of my dwindling bankroll. Looking at a break-even online balance for April after being $680 in profit in the first week is a little painful and with the time at 1 o'clock in the morning and a fair few beers dispatched, I guess I should have done what any decent player would have done and hit the sack.

But here's the thing: I decided to have one last pop and sat down to a $2/$4 cash game table with about $310 and faced the most regular of regular players at the PKR cash game tables!! Genius or stupid? Well, probably stupid but as it happened, I did manage to bag my biggest pot of the year so far:

Now I know a few of you will question my passive preflop play but, as ever and always, there are variables to take into account and it's just not as simple as; "I have QQ therefore I must raise." Soccerboy was kicking me around big-time in this game and I was folding to him a lot of the time. There was no doubt he saw me as a soft spot and I knew this; that's why I feel justified with how I played the hand.

Soon after this I logged off and saw a small profit of £120 for the month in my PKR account. With a £110 loss at the live game this month, at least I can say I'm on the right side of the line. Tonight, I'm thinking of hitting The Empire with a £400 starting stack and seeing if I can turn my luck around at the live game. We'll see, we'll see.

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