Monday 4 April 2011

Raising The Bar

With my graph-line beginning to move steadily upwards and with a stability beginnning to show in my online game, my confidence is now starting to grow nicely. I've decided that a step upwards is in order and although this doesn't mean a jump up to the $2/$4 game just yet, an increase in the amount of tables I play on is definitely what I need to lift my game. This increase in volume is something that I've been meaning to do in a long time - and the time is now ripe for me to take that step and to make the progression.   

This year I've been chugging along by mainly either single-tabling the 200nl game or double-tabling at 100nl. With my results picking up a little bit and with a definite feeling that the standard of my game has climbed a few notches, I've started to believe that one tabling the $1/$2 game or two-tabling 50c/$1 is just too safe and conservative. There is nothing worse than letting your game get stale and I need to mix things up for sure.

Unfortunately, one of the reasons why I play so few tables is circumstances. Free internet use comes with the cost of having a wifi connection that is used from someone else's router in another flat and restricts me to playing online poker in my own front room. (The signal is low and disconnections are common and unpredictable elsewhere.) Add the fact that I have two teenage daughters who are a constant presence in the front room on an almost daily basis - with TV use and PC use being in constant demand - and you can understand that it can get quite difficult to concentrate on a large number of tables.

Mobile phones going off left right and centre, visits from friends and the daughters' need to eat etc etc etc, all get in the way as well. Apart from those rare occasions when the daughters and the missus are out, quiet and uninterrupted PC use is a very very rare luxury indeed. It is because I'm restricted to laptop use and because I get so much bombardment of shite from the TV, that I can only really give 1 or 2 tables my proper attention. My laptop just about manages the running of two tables - and I can't really see the text while running more than this anyway.

Anyhoo, with both the daughters starting and trundling off to university outside London this academic year, peace will descend over the household. I am REALLY looking forward to firing up my quad-core, beefy-rig of a PC with the dog's bollocks graphics card to run some smooth, clear and creamy 4-table action - on a calm uninterrupted day by day basis! Not to say for the odd blast on some video games as well. (Man, I could even finally complete Oblivion!) Unfortunately, I'm going to have to wait until mid-September for this happy moment to happen on a long-term basis. Still, what I think I need to do is really start focusing on two-tabling a couple of 200nl games on a regular basis to really start kicking things off.



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