Tuesday 12 April 2011

Big Break From The Online Game

Yep, I've hit that moment where I've totally had it with the online game. After a £200 donk off today, I've done another one of my full cashouts and I just feel that I can't be doing with the online game anymore - I really have just about had enough. When you play online for hours and hours every day and for months on end - and ultimately end up barely breaking even for all that bleedin' effort then you have to ask... What the hell is the fucking point!? I know I'm starting to get very cynical but I'm really beginning to lose faith in the whole thing I really am. 

Fortunately, there is still the live game and it is to this that my attention is now going to turn. As a matter of fact, earlier today, I was in The Empire but felt the vibe was wrong and so I didn't actually play. However, it's going to be just live play for me from now on until I can, if ever, get the online demons out of my system. After I've slept on the matter, I may write up a more considered post tomorrow and explain more of the reasons for this decision. But the way I feel right now, I don't feel I want to touch the online game with a barge-pole.

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