Thursday 14 April 2011

Goodbye To The PKR Forum - My Change Of Direction

**NOTE** I mention PKR often because when it comes to rakeback payments, bonuses and a generous points system PKR wins easily, for me, over any other site. That is why I play exclusively on that site and why my considerations always involve the 3D place over any other.
As a regular contributor to the PKR forum, but with my online game going up the spout, I've decided to quit posting on there in order to help my game move into a different direction. You can see my last post here. To be honest, I'm not quitting the PKR site or closing my account there for good or anything like that but I'm certainly taking a break and I think that leaving their forums is something I need to do to get my poker brain back in the right place. I'm also thinking of going to their live support to get a self-imposed chat-ban so I can remain 100% focused on the game.
As I've mentioned many times recently, an 8-month break-even period has alerted me to the fact that things are not as they should be and I've realised I need to take a break from the online cash games. What I've decided to do, therefore, is to draw up a new plan of action and this involves easing in with an MTT heavy approach. When I do redeposit on PKR, the following guide will be in place:

1. Play the odd Primetime Events from time to time. These are $55 buy-in events with a fairly decent structure.
2. Enter the $30-$50 satellites for their more meaty MTTs. (Including for their High Roller, Masters, Fox Main Event(?) and PKR Live events.)
3. Have the odd pop at their more popular MTTs like Welllbet's Home Game, their PKR Open and/or their $30 Late Night MTT. There are a few more as well but all fall in the $20-$40 range.

My intention is to only play these occasionally but I guess it's hard to put a figure on exactly how many of these to enter as I'm still in my cooling off phase and I just don't know for the time being.

This leaves the live game. Fortunately, my live game results are much healthier and suggest that this is where I need to be. As such, I'm going to make it my goal to play live poker twice a week with my main focus being on playing £1/£2 cash games at The Empire over Friday and Saturday. (Well, the Saturday ONLY IF Friday goes ok and/or I'm feeling up for it.) Of course, I know I'll be drawn to The Fox Club every now and then so I'll probably turn up there every so often for their Friday/Saturday donkaments. (Although their £48 freezeout at 7PM today looks very tempting.)

So there you have it - a little change of direction. Sometimes when you're on the journey you have to adapt to whatever terrain pops up your way so you just have to change vehicles once in a while. That's all I'm doing, the journey's the same but I'm just changing vehicles. Hopefully, by the end of this month I'll be able to say that I'm back on the right path. 
With the time now at 4PM and with me sitting around on my arse all day, I think I need that trip into town. I'll either be going for that £48 freezeout or taking my place at The Empire - I guess I'll just turn up and see eh?

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