Thursday 14 April 2011

Live Session #17: No More Donkaments

You know those little light-bulbs I was talking about in my previous posts? Well another one went off tonight as I made my way home from town - and it shone as bright and as true and as clear as the beaming sun in the summer's sky. It's very simple really. After plumping for a whirl at the £48 freezeout tonight at The Fox, and donking out once again after getting shoveled the same load of old tripe, it dawned on me: Why do I never see any of the decent cash game regulars or the really good MTTers playing in any of these £30, £40 or £50 donkaments!? And the answer is as clear the window I just turned to look out of: cos there just aint any bleedin' value in 'em that's why!

If there were value in them, if you could actually make decent money from them regularly, then I'm sure I would see a lot more decent players at the tournament tables in The Fox. As it is there IS no value in them, you CAN'T make decent money from them and there are VERY FEW decent players who play them. In a nutshell: THEY ARE LOTTERIES THAT ARE A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME!! And most probably a waste of money as well. So finally, not only have I learnt that I need to ease off of the online cash game tables for a while but I need to avoid the donkaments at The Fox altogether. Unfortunately, as the cash games at The Fox are not great either it looks like fewer visits to that place for me from now on.   

The main reason why this dawned on me with such resonance was because I took myself off after the donkfest and played live cash game poker at The Empire. I think I am actually starting to fall in love with this place. Here, you can actually stay on a table and get to know the players, you can fold for ages and it hardly makes any difference, and you can suss out players to your heart's content AND you actually have a chance of being rewarded for playing decent poker. Remember that? Getting rewarded for playing good poker in the right way? Ok, rant over.

As you've probably gathered, I had a successful session at The Empire this evening after my fated visit to The Fox. Not massive - I sat down with £400 and left with £538 for a £138 profit and a £90 profit for the night - but it was enough for me to see that there is a definite pattern going on here; namely, that I tend to lose money at the MTTs at The Fox and I tend to win at the cash games at The Empire. Weighing everything up, this little revelation seems to make my path a little clearer now. I just need to carry it through and play to my strengths and not get drawn away from the beaten track with little temptations.

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