Sunday 24 April 2011

No Live Session Yesterday

Mainly due to fatigue and just not feeling like it, I didn't play a live session yesterday after all. I still have a stack of Empire chips worth £200 sitting on my shelf and I'm keen to use them but I just don't know when that'll be. I want to do at least one live session before the end of the month because I'm still down £150, for April, at the live game (mainly due to the woeful way I played my pocket queens last time) and I want to give myself a chance of getting that figure back in the green.

The boring chore of marking a class worth of Year 11 mock exams hangs over me and that needs to be done before my return to work on Tuesday. I'm actually thinking of taking the papers into town today, marking them in a pub somewhere, and then getting down to a live session afterwards but I'm not sure. At least that gets the mind-numbing marking out the way first and will then give me Monday to think about and prepare what the hell I'm gonna be teaching my classes when I return. Still, even though I have a parents' evening to get through on Thursday, it's only a three day stretch for the week when I go back AND a nice bank holiday Monday to look forward to the following week - so that's nice. (With that bloke's wedding on Friday, it's nice to know the royal family have their uses.)

Ok - The Twaddle Factor was high with this one.

P.S. Ok, as it's a glorious sunny day, I'm sure you're all keen to know that I've decided to do my marking in the park instead. I may follow this up with a cool pint down my local and then I'll decide on a plan of action regarding poker. It's the last few days of the hols and I'm gonna enjoy it by crikey.

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