Friday 15 April 2011

Live Session #18: Terrible Play From Yours Truly

Enthused by my qualification into the final stage of the PKRL 6 satellites, I decided to build on this cofidence and hit The Empire this evening. By 2AM, I really wished I hadn't - and it was all because of some terrible poker on my part. Here is the shameful story of 3 key hands:

Key Hand 1
This hand, I actually played fine and I just ended up getting donked. I look down at AQs in late position and raise it up to £20. Yep, I get two callers plus an all-in from the limper who decides it's the right time to put in all £25 of his last chips. We all chuck in the extra £5. The flop comes K x x and it's checked round to me and I check. The turn comes a queen and it's checked round to me so I fire in £40 or so. The previous callers all fold and the shortstack all-in guy is getting his coat on. BOSH; the river comes a jack and my villain is laughing away to himself as he flips over 9 10 for his runner runner straight. Lovely.

Key hand 2
Ok, that hand would have won me £100 but not to worry it's virtually the next hand and I'm looking at JJ. I fire in £15 and I get a caller. The flop comes blanks but with one overcard, as far as I recall, but I check and so does my villain. The turn comes an ace and I'm sure the villain has hit it as he checks it as well. He then fires out about £35 on the river. Muggings here calls and, of course, he flips over his ace. Not well played at all but I think I must have been slightly tilted from the previous hand.

Key Hand 3
Ok, that last one was badly played but you aint seen nothing yet. This next one is definitely one of my worst played hands at The Empire: I'm in the big blind and I look down at QQ and decide I'm getting committed to this hand. It's folded to the button who puts in £15. He's a good player, has a huge stack and he's done this a few times before so I raise to £50. He calls(!) The flop comes K 6 x. I check and he checks so I'm pretty sure he doesn't have the king. (What happened to being committed!?) The turn comes a brick and I FAIL to fire a bullet! (Stooooopid! What happened to being committed!?) This is quite possibly the worst move I've made in a LONG time. He checks as well and the river is a seven. I check and he immediately fires in £70! "Man, have I played this badly!!" I think to myself. And Jesus, yes I have. I make the call, putting him on a bluff and he flips over 67 for the rivered two pair!! I pick up my chips, totally disgusted with myself, and leave right there.
On the bus journey home, I played that last hand over and over in my mind and was just shaking my head constantly with the woefully bad way I played it. What a schmuck! The session, by the way, stung me for £200. To really give myself a kick up the arse I'm going to post a mid-month update just to beat myself up a little bit more:

ONLINE: MID-APRIL  -£200 /  YEAR: +£150
LIVE: MID-APRIL -£150  /  YEAR: +£1320
TOTAL: MID-APRIL -£350  /  YEAR: +£1470
Ok, so we may not be talking huge amounts here but it still hurts; especially when I think of that awful hand. God, that's going to stay with me for a while - I'm going to need perhaps a longer break to get rid of the demons from THAT one! 

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