Saturday 2 April 2011

Live Session #15: A Two Outer On The River

I'll be quick with this trip report and keep it concise:

4:30PM: Arrive at The Fox and pay for the £38 freezeout.
4:32PM: Play £1/£1 cash and lose £60. Mainly with AJ v. AQ all-in preflop (I won't bore you with details.)
5:30PM: Trundle off to The Empire and win £15 at the cash tables.
6:30PM: Head back to The Fox for the £38 freezeout and get knocked out at about 10PM after I get crippled with KK v. 33. (Yes; I got it all-in pre. Yes; he hit the 3 on the river. Yes; it would have given me a really nice chip-stack going into the final stages.) Soon after this I go out holding JJ v. 66 v. AJ. (Yes; the same villain spiked an ace on the turn. Even a win with this woulda given me a competitive stack)
10:15PM: I head back to The Empire and get the junkiest of junkie cards you ever did see in your entire born days but am amazed that I am only down about £25!
11:45PM: At £110 down on the night - I'm outta there baby!
1:00AM: Arrive home and blog about it.

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