Thursday 7 April 2011

One More Get Up

With the sun shining, the poker going well and with one more day to go before I get the well deserved 2-week break from work, I'm beginning to feel pretty good about the way life is going at the moment. When you work in a school, you realise that students really start to push boundaries the closer it gets to that final bell on the final day  - so it's just a case of hanging on in there and making sure I don't take a big swing at one of the little buggers or tell one of them to fuck off in a fit of rage before that moment when we're all released.

At The Fox Club, they have their £300 main event starting today but unfortunately this is just beyond my bankroll. However, I may give this a go at some point during the year. What I would like to do is visit The Vic at some stage over the easter break because I just haven't visited the place yet this year and a trip report on a session there would be good and is well overdue for the blog.

Anyway, tootle pip and all that.

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