Sunday 10 April 2011

Live Session #16: Bubbling The Final Table

Well, it's Sunday afternoon and I'm just recovering from an all-nighter in town. It all kicked off with the £38 freezeout at The Fox where I played from 7PM till about 11PM only to be the bubble-boy for the final table. I really shouldn't play these bleedin' donkaments at The Fox, it just seems like so much mental energy for so little reward. In fact, I remember looking at the prizes and seeing that 4th place would get you about £240; this equals just one good cash game hand at The Empire - is it really worth it? Probably not.

Still, after this debacle I headed on over to The Empire and sat down with £300 at a £1/£2 cash game table. Overall, it was a fairly straightforward table with its fair share of reasonable, average, poor, and the out and out clueless players. One loose aggressive, shark-like character joined the table with a £1000 stack after about half an hour but I was happy to see him take a table transfer after an hour or two. As it was, I wasn't really able to capitalise and won only the one fairly big hand when I value bet a calling station on each street with top pair good kicker.

In retrospect, I think I played a far too nitty game. I saw many boards that would have really hit my marginal folded hands big-time - I know it's all ifs and buts but I would have won A LOT MORE MONEY if I just paid the small price to see a few more flops. (And I really should have done this considering the table dynamic.) By 6 o'clock in the morning I was flagging and could barely keep my eyes open so left the table with £412 and a £112 profit for the session and a modest £74 profit for the night's work. It was a very pleasant bus ride home with the early morning sunshine rising up and clear roads for a change but I was very sleepy and didn't really enjoy it to the full.

Live-wise, this puts me on a £40 deficit for the month. However, at the time of writing, from being up about £380 in the first week of April, I'm up about £80 for the month at the online game so far. Swings and roundabouts and all that. Swings and roundabouts.

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