Sunday 24 April 2011

Live Session #19: Rock Steady

Ok, so I have just returned from a live session in town and managed to return home with the £300 still intact plus a little extra. It started at The Empire at about 6PM on the wildest table I've been at in a long time. With our South East Asian friends playing as loose and as wild as ever and with the white British males pretty much sitting tight, it was an interesting table to say the least. (No stereotyping intended.) 

Personally, I felt no need to get tricky at all and just sat tight throughout the four and a half hours I was there. Basically, I got dealt AA twice and, after limp/re-raising with them pre-flop, just played aggressively with these two hands. Both played pretty similarly in actual fact. I limped both times in mid-position expecting, 90%, that it would be raised. Yep, they were raised about £18 both times and both times I re-raised by walloping in another £50 and BOTH times I got the call. On the harmless flops I fired out and got two folds. Just those two hands alone got me in excess of £100. Anyway apart from those hands there was absolutely nothing doing and I left at about 10:30PM, just £40 up overall.

After this I couldn't resist a cash game session at The Fox. Here, the table was so friendly the players were practically telling each other what they had! Anyway, after a nice spin up to about £50, I got caught for about £40 when I hit trip aces on the river only for my villain to show a full-house tens over aces! Ouch!! With just £10 up then and with the time at around 12:45AM I called it a night and hit the road with a profit standing at £50 on the session. 

A satisfactory evening then but a long way still to go.

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