Sunday 20 February 2011

Live Session #6: 2nd Place Baby! (Part 2)

At 2:45AM came the last hand and, possibly the most annoying thing about The Fox, prizes had to be worked out based on the percentages of the chips held by the remaining players! Overall, I pinched 2nd place and although I'm not sure of the exact numbers, the chip count and prizes were approximately as follows:

1st place - 570 000 chips (approx) = ~£850
2nd place - 275 000 chips (approx) = £630
3rd place - 225 000 chips (approx) = ~£550 

Unfortunately, as they seemed to be in a rush to get away and with it being so late and with them taking an age to work out the numbers, they didnt take names or PKR usernames so no credit on leaderboards or what have you but that's no problem really. Buzzing from this good result (plus the effect of about 7 bottles of Peroni), I wandered into The Empire at about 3AM with the intention of sitting down to play a few hands but after circling for a bit, thought better of it and left for the bus journey back home.

Still, this result gives me a great boost and, with my previous small cash game profit, put me up £610 on the night. I won't mention how I'm doing online just in case I jinx today's sessions but will be posting my usual weekly update in a later post today. I know, "sing when you're winning" and all that - but one thing I will pledge is that I'll never threaten to stop doing the blog again.

With a full week off work ahead of me and my results picking up a little bit, I guess you could say I'm feeling a little smug and a little bit pleased with myself. Be assured though that I won't be reaping the full benefit of this success myself - it's my younger daughter's 18th birthday next weekend! Anyway, let's see how this day's sessions play out and I'll come back with that weekly update. In the meantime here's a song to express how I feel:

Beautiful Sunday

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