Thursday 24 February 2011

Don't Ya Just Love It...

When this happens...?

There is nothing much worse, in online poker, than holding a monster and then realising that you've just got disconnected. If you can't quite make out the screenshot, I am two-tabling the $1/$2 cash games and on the left hand table you can see that I hold KK but can do absolutely nothing with them!  The BB was fairly loose as well and liked getting involved in many hands with me so I was very annoyed with this disconnect. I'm still having a very inconsistent time online at the moment and so could really do without this bleedin' nonsense I can tell you.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The other day I flopped a flush in a 3 way 3 bet pot, someone Cbets, the other guy shoves, I go to call and get disconnected. I literally scream fuck at the top of my voice. 15 or so seconds later I reconnect and call, only to loose to a higher flush. I actually laughed when I saw that I was drawing to a one outter for the straight flush.
