Sunday 27 February 2011

Why Wobblebottom?

With a bit of time to kill before my coach leaves back to London, I decided to search the net to find a clip of Rowan Atkinson utter the word "wobblebottom" on the Not The Nine O'clock News TV programme which was a big satire/comedy sketch show way back in the 1980s. This is what gave me the idea to use it for my username. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the aforementioned snippet but did track down him saying it on Blackadder instead. It's quite amusing and if you're that way inclined you need to move the slider to 2:20 in this youtube clip to hear him utter the comical word.

Here's a script of the dialogue:

Blackadder: No, sir, it is not. It's the most pointless book since How To Learn French was translated into French.
Prince George: You haven't got anything personal against Johnson, have you Blackadder?
Blackadder: Good Lord, sir, not at all. In fact, I had never heard of him until you mentioned him just now.
Prince George: But you do think he's a genius...?
Blackadder: No, sir, I do not. Unless, of course, the definition of "genius" in his ridiculous Dictionary is "a fat dullard or wobblebottom; a pompous ass with sweatly dewflaps".
Prince George: Ha. close shave there, then. Lucky you warned me. I was about to embrace this unholy arse to the royal bosom.
Blackadder: I'm delighted to have been instrumental of keeping your bosom free of arses, sir.

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