Saturday 12 February 2011

Live Session #4: Chalking Up Number Four

Well, I've just returned from a trip to The Empire and am happy to say that I have come back from my fourth consecutive live winning session for the year. I arrived at Leicester Square at 2:30PM and entered the poker room but didn't like the vibe so I actually started striding out for The Vic as it was such a glorious afternoon. After popping into The Fox to see Betfair's event (and the brightest yellow felt tables I have ever seen) I got as far as Oxford Circus and decided a pint was in order. I then had a pleasant pint in a dark secluded pub near Carnaby Street that had just opened for the day.

As I left the pub, the pint had really lightened me up and I just felt right for a game of poker. (It sometimes takes a pint to really get into the mood for a game.) I went back to The Empire at about 5PM and was seated at a newly opened table after about a half an hour wait and was happy to see just one player buying in for the full £400. I plopped my £310 on the table and the rest of the players bought in for between £50 to £200. (A good sign.)

As is often the case, the action was loose from the start so it was just a case of folding patiently until something nice landed in my pocket. Needless to say, after about four orbits or so I looked down UTG at the beautiful AA. I put in a raise but, obviously, it wasn't enough and I got a string of callers. The flop came A 6 x. As it happens, I can't actually remember how the action went exactly but I think I re-raised when a king hit the turn, which was called. The river was a brick and, once again, I'm not sure, but I think the villain threw in £30 or so. I raised all-in and was happy to see him call as he showed K6 for two pair.

This elevated my stack to about £490 and a clear profit of about £180. My stack kind of hovered around the £500 mark for much of the session and I really thought I should leave with a £200 profit at one stage. However, I stayed, continued to play tight (which was probably a mistake) and watched as many of my folded cards hit many boards which would have made me many more £££s. I think this may have tilted me a little and I played two particular hands, one after the other, very weakly, losing around £60 into the bargain. One was where I checked with two pair on the flop hoping for a raise which never came, allowing a villain to hit trips on the turn. On the very next hand, I failed to push with a flush and straight draw and allowed an opponent to win with just a pair. It was at this point that I decided it was best if I got up and left.

At 8 o'clock, after a three hour session, I cashed out £430 in chips for a profit of £120 on the night. Yes, it was a win, but I'm actually quite annoyed with myself for not getting up and banking the £200 when I kind of told myself I was ready to leave. Nevertheless, this now has my live sessions at well over £1K for the year and I have to say that I'm very happy with this. It's just a shame that I can't say the same about my online game which I just can't seem to get together at the moment.

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