Friday 11 February 2011

PKR's Best MTT

Every now and again, PKR throw out a series of MTTs called "Primetime." Each day of the week has its own, slightly differently structured MTT but the entry is usually around $55. Now as you may be aware, I don't really care much for MTTs but presently, on Fridays, they hold their "Super Deep Stack" event.

Now, to be honest, I don't think I've ever seen such a good structure in an online MTT; certainly not on PKR anyway and, as such, I'm going to give this one a spin tonight. The guarantee is put at $8K and it's your usual 15 minute clock per level. However, you start with 20000 chips! Not only this, but the blinds start at a low 10/20 and rise to 20/40, 30/60, 50/100, 75/150, 100/200 etc etc. This means that at Level 1 you have 1000BBs and by Level 6 (90 minutes in) you're still at 100BBs of your starting stack!! This can't be bad right?

Now I'm not sure where this ranks in Snyder's "Utility Factor" or where it falls in his "Skill Factor" chart but I've never seen such a tournament, at this price, with so much room for ducking and diving and wheeling and dealing - so I'm in baby!!


P.S. No joy :-(

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