Tuesday 22 February 2011


PKR have just announced that PKR Live 6 will be taking place from May 19th to May 22nd. Let's have a little look at their satellite schedule:

As stated earlier in one of my posts with a mind-numbingly boring high twaddle factor, I'll be giving the Stage 1s a few goes first. After I get bored with these (which won't be long) I'll have a few pops at the Stage 2s come April time. If I've still not booked my place by May I might have just the one crack at a Final Stage and if I'm really desperate I'll give their "Last Chance Saloon" satellite a go, seeing as I was lucky in this last time.

Interestingly, the buy-in for this has gone right up to $1220 as opposed to the $700 entry for PKRL5 but I'm not sure if there is another event. They're also doing a Day 1A and Day 1B to stagger it a bit. I'm not entirely sure how the secondary event will fit in but I'm sure they'll be lots of poker to be had.

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