Tuesday 15 February 2011

Stopped At The Red Light

Random but important musings:

(1) Thanks to the wise words and advice of some top players, I have come to realise that the only way to take my game forward is to change attitude. As a player who has played almost solidly for about five years, I know that it's all about the long-term BUT the main problem still persists. ie. Burning off around 3 or 4 buy-ins in one or two days is STILL a big enough dent to my bankroll for me to put up the shutters. In this case I throw out the safety net, cashout my entire bankroll and stop playing for a while. The "stop playing for a while" bit is ok but the cashing out of the bankroll is lame and really needs to stop.

(2) I have decided that daily updates on this blog may be harming my game at a sub-conscious level. Too much importance is put on individual hands which I feel compelled to twaddle about and poker hands should not be dwealt on in this fashion. At the same time, I don't want this to be a fairweather poker blog where I just post up details of winning sessions or just when things are going well. That's not what the blog is about.

(3) Once again, I'm seriously starting to question whether this whole blog thing is a good idea and this, in itself, must be boring to the reader. Losing sessions are common, I know, but I don't really want to start questioning whether it's right or wrong to continue with the blog every time it happens. And I'm sure people do not want to keep reading about it.

As such, as far as my poker journey and this blog goes, I consider myself stuck at a red light. While I sit here, I need to ponder over my options. Shortly, either as a post-script to this post or in my next post, I intend to devise some searching questions and supply the meaningful answers. Hopefully, this will sort out the issues once and for all and I can then give myself the green light to continue on my journey again, in a way which is right for me...

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