Monday 14 February 2011

A Change Of Attitude? Change Of Site?

Part of the obligation I put on myself when doing a blog like this is the aim to post regular updates. Not only does this help me gather my thoughts but it's supposed to help me to keep my discipline and focus as well. By being open and honest, it's also supposed to help me play my best - but I'm starting to think that I may actually be putting added pressure on myself and , maybe, I need a change of attitude here.

Earlier, japete warned against being ruled by short-term results and this is very true; obsessing over short-term results is stupid. I responded by saying that I write about my feelings towards short-term results because I post short-term (daily) posts and it's hard NOT to write about those things. Yesterday, Rhymenoceros commented on the narrow-mindedness of my tilt-induced cashouts and my over-reaction to just a one or two buy-in downswing. All these points I respect and really need to be taken on board.

In my next post I'm going to write about the change in attitude that I think I need to bring to the game. This will also involve thinking about my attitude towards money.

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