Sunday 20 February 2011

Green Green Green

Right, after a kick-ass Friday and Saturday at both the live and online poker tables, I'm well back on course and firmly back on track. There's nothing like a few profitable sessions to really put the wind back into your sails - and I'm floating merrily in the breeze baby! I guess the light has turned a very bright green.

Due to the short-term variance I previously doubted whether to post weekly updates but as I have had such a good change of fortune recently (see next post), I will be posting my weekly update at some point today. (I know, it's the "fair-weather blogging" syndrome but we poker players are incurable egomaniacs.) When we get to March, I'll reconsider the viability of posting weekly updates but, as I keep discovering, a lot can happen in a week in this crazy game of poker.

Before I twaddle on about my trip to The Fox, I want to thank those who commented on me crying over short-term variance. I know I wasn't actually called a "pillock", per se, but that's what I was being and I really appreciated the comments and advice.

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