Monday 21 February 2011

Live Session #7 (Part 1)

It's 3AM and I have just returned from a live session in town. I have one week off work so I felt fine about treating myself to a late Monday night session. I've just been reading about BrotherMuzone's bad run for the day and it really does put my crying to shame.

Anyway, first off I played a little £1/£1 cash at The Fox and left the table with £8 profit before taking my place at the £28 Semi-Freezeout. (Actually it was a £25 buy-in + £5 fee + £3 Dealer Bonus MTT with one 1 rebuy.) Usually I rebuy straight away but the floor manager initially said we had to be below 4K to get it. Then after 10 minutes he told everyone we could get the rebuy whenever we wanted to after all. For some reason I held back and even at just 6K chips at the break chose not to take the rebuy then either. My thinking was that instead of paying the extra £25 I'd just try to donk a double-up instead!

Luckily, soon after the break I donked a triple-up by going all-in with Q8s in late position after seeing a min-raise and a caller before me. I just figured that I had masses of value and my cards would probably be live as well. As it happened the BB went all-in and there was another all-in as well. The two villains turned over AK and 77 and I saw the beautiful 8 hit the flop and my hand held up! Still, I was out in 15th place (40 runners) when I went all-in with 10 10 and about 7BBs left and got a caller who flipped over QQ - Thank you and good night!

Before moving onto Part 2 just a quick mention to some peeps I met tonight at The Fox: first of all I met PKR's Tigerwing and Rattus but I also noticed a fella who seemed very familiar on one of the other tables and after asking at my table was told that he was in the film "Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels" and also appeared in the TV series, "Misfits." Anyway, after making some enquiries on the internet I found out that it was a guy called Dexter Fletcher, this fella: 

His hair was a little greyer and wilder by the way.

Anyway, at £20 down and with it still being very early in terms of live poker, I swigged down my bottle of Peroni and headed for The Empire which I'll twaddle about in my next post. With the time now at four o'clock in the morning, I really need to hit the sack!

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