Sunday 6 February 2011

Live Session #3: Back From The Fox (Part 2)

Cash Game Session At £1/£1

To be honest, I don't really like playing £1/£1 at The Fox due to the 10% rake; however, sometimes it's just nice to ease off from the wild £1/£2 games at The Empire and play a lower stake game just to steady the variance a bit. Early indications told me that there were no real tricky players at the table, which was nice, but my cash game session started off badly. Early on I got dealt AA and decided to go all-in on the K 7 x flop. My opponent called and showed his K7. (Before you ask, yes I did do a substantial raise pre-flop.) He also hit a king on the turn for a full house, just for good measure.

This put me down £60 early on so not a great start. Fortunately there was a maniac on the table who had no idea about the importance of position and played a very poor loose aggressive game; as such, I won about £70 off her with AK (see below). I guess you could call it my "key hand" but I did manage to spin my stack up to ~£300 overall (I reloaded £50) which put me up about £50 at the cash game and up around £10 on the night.

Key Hand 
I did my fair share of ducking and diving but there were two "key hands" really. The first I mentioned above where I lost about £60 with AA. The second was where I made about £70 with AK. I raised with it preflop and got called by Ms Maniac and Mr Confident. The flop came 3 3 7. Ms Maniac checked while Mr Confident hollywooded for a bit but ended up checking. Taking their style of play into account, this told me that I was very likely ahead but I checked anyway. The turn came a king. Ms Maniac pushed all-in for her remaining £60, Mr Confident folded and I snap-called. Clearly disappointed Ms Maniac just showed the king but, obviously, my kicker was good enough.
I guess it's nice to report that I was up £10 on the night but one leak I really need to put right is tipping too much. To be honest, I was pretty much the ONLY player who did, but announcing at the table that I "always tip" didn't help. As a man of my word I then tipped £1 for EVERY hand that I won. As I won well over ten hands, including quite a few pre-flop, I really just gave away far too much money. Sort it out Wobble!

Lesson 1: Stick to live cash games and carry on limiting yourself to just one live MTT per month.
Lesson 2: Ease off with the tipping ESPECIALLY after winning hands pre-flop (you idiot!).
Lesson 3: Do NOT buy two pizza slices at the end of the evening when only one will do!

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