Sunday 6 February 2011

Live Session #3: Back From The Fox (Part 1)

Part 1 - The Nonsense Of The £38 Freezeout

First off, The Fox has gone the way of a few other clubs and popped in a hidden cost to their MTTs. Now, instead of the usual £35 buy-in plus £5 entry fee, they have added a £3 "dealer bonus" making the whole thing £38. Basically, this means you pay an extra £3 for an extra 1500 chips. To get the value, you should take the extra chips BUT that £3 does NOT go into the prize pool which kinda takes the value away when you think about it. (Talk about giving with one hand but taking with the other.) Effectively, this has now become a £38 freezout where you pay a 21% charge. It's fair enough that they take 13% to run the event but to siphon off 8% to go in their coffers is a bit much. I'm all for tipping the dealers (see Part 2) but I've always seen this as a bit of a rip-off to be honest. 

Anyway, once again, I seem to be playing these MTTs just to remind myself why the hell I shouldn't be playing these bloody MTTs!! Yep, this time it was a knock-out due to being on the wrong end of some set-over-set shenanigans. I held 44 my opponent held JJ and the flop came A J 4; you can guess the rest. Anyway, foregoing a trip to The Empire tonight, I decided to stay at The Fox to try my hand at the cash game tables. Fortunately, I managed to battle quite nicely and ended up winning back my £38 entry to the freezeout and then some (but only a very little sum). Details of this will follow in Part 2...

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