Thursday 3 February 2011

Las Vegas - To Go Or Not To Go...

... That is the question.

As someone who has played a fair amount of poker over the last five years and who claims to be a keen enthusiast, it may surprise you to know that I have yet to make the trip out to Las Vegas. Recently I have been doing a lot of research on the subject and the urge to go is as strong as it's ever been before. The thing is, this year, the year of the blog, is probably the most appropriate time to make my first visit out there.

While researching all the possibilities, I'm drawn to the convenience of staying at Bill's Gamblin' Hall & Saloon. It's not exactly state-of-the-art or 5-star but as long as I get a good night's sleep it seems fine. Its central location is ideal with there being easy access to all your favourites like; Bally's, Paris, Flamingo, Bellagio and Caesars Palace. It also seems you can get from your room to the main street in less than five minutes and without having to get your compass out or putting your hiking boots on. At the moment, I'm considering going for eight days from Tuesday to the following Wednesday (so I get a full jet-lag free weekend) and the price, at present, for both the flight and hotel is a not unreasonable £1058.

The other alternative that I've been considering, due to the favourable reviews of its poker room, is the MGM. This hotel is huge, more expensive but a bit out of the way on the south part of the strip. It also, apparently, takes an age to get from your hotel room to the casino floor. Hmm, not so good. This package comes in at £1285.

Something to think about. I might well just get this booked over the weekend but I still haven't got my passport renewed yet which is a slight annoyance. Still, I'll let you know how things develop with this.

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