Monday 28 February 2011

The Joys Of Online Poker

I know I've posted a few bad beats in the past but if I can't post the odd bad beat on my own blog then where the hell can I go off and cry to? The only consolation with this one was that it was "only" the $50nl game. The villain's chat in the chatbox was from a previous hand that was well before this one by the way. And, yes, I knew the villain was going to go all-in on the river come what may. (As I recall, I think I may have done an all-in on the turn but I can't remember - the chips were all going in any which way you look at it.)

Some might say that it isn't THAT unusual for your villain to hit one of his 7 outs on the river but the thing that is beginning to piss me off (just a tad), at the moment, is that everytime I get just a glimmer of hope that I might be starting to turn things around, hands like this come along and kick me right in the teeth. Am I ever gonna get off this slippery slope or what!?

To make matters worse, after a very pleasant week off work, it's back on the treadmill tomorrow as well.

Jesus H Christ on his bleedin' push-bike.

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