Tuesday 22 February 2011

The Blackjack Demon

Way back, 2 months ago, I made a list of "Dos and Don'ts For 2011" and to a large extent I've done very well in sticking to these rules. I'm proud to say that I've stuck 100% to my "dos", but must confess to crossing the line with some of the "don'ts."

First off, I've broken the Don't Rule #5: not to play more than one live MTT per month. But getting 2nd at The Fox on Saturday night really gives you the taste to enter another one soon after. Oops.

The other one is Don't Rule #4. Yep, I've played a few blackjack hands. In my defence, I have to point out that it's always been for just 50c - $5 and I certainly can't recall putting in anymore than $5 - which is fine and shows that at least I'm not going back to my old ways; the days of blowing $500 and $600 bankrolls are well and truly over. Of course, we all know blackjack is -ev but nevertheless, hands like this really annoy me:

Just look at that! I'm dealt 11 versus the dealer card 5!! Apart from being dealt blackjack with the dealer getting junk it doesn't get much better than that; I've got the BEST cards to the dealer's WORST card. (In fact some might argue this scenario is better than getting blackjack because you have a great chance to get a double-up as opposed to a 3-2 payout with blackjack. Anyway, I'll let the maths experts work that one out.)

Still, as you can see, I "Double" with 11 and get dealt the worst card possible. Then the dealer turns a 6 to give HIM the MASSIVE edge and then, to rub salt into the wounds, he gives himself 21!!

For the love of my huge wobbly buttocks!

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