Saturday 12 February 2011

The Vic Or The Empire Tonight?

Saturday morning and I'm doing my usual sitting-up-in-bed-with-the-laptop routine. After a good start to the week, online poker has turned around and bit me on the bum yet again. The last three days or so have just not brought me much joy and the poor cards, poor opportunities along with the poor play, which this inevitably brings, has meant I am currently down $100 this week. The main thing that has brought the most frustration, I suppose, is the lack of hitting anything meaty or connecting with any board to really get the money into the pot. Anyway, la-di-da.

To be honest, I'm not too despondent about this little blip as I think I've minimised my loses like a true pro! I'm sure mere mortals would have tilted and thrown even more money away - and let's not forget that $55 of that loss went on yesterday's "Primetime" debacle. For this, I was pretty much card dead for the first hour and a half. I then lost a few marginals and finally took my leave when my exit hand involved me flopping the straight but with the villain catching quads on the turn! Anyway, there's still the rest of the weekend to go and I think my head is still in the right place to play solid poker.

This evening I need to get off my fat arse and head into town for some live poker baby. The Fox's tournament schedule has a Betfair thing going on so I'm going to assume it's out-of-bounds tonight. Which means either The Vic or The Empire awaits. I'll be taking £310 from my "live" bankroll into town tonight and will give my usual trip report before my weekly update in my last post tomorrow. Let's hope it'll be green green green eh?

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