Thursday 3 February 2011

Twaddling On - And We're Off...

I have just placed the necessaries into my PKR account and so the wheels to my amazing new bankroll management strategy have been set in motion  - we're off baby! Yet again, of course, I have fallen victim to the exchange rate rip-off. A deposit of £650 sees me with a $1020 balance, yet if I were to withdraw that sum today I only get £610 back! That's another £40 disappeared and swallowed up in digital cyberspace; no doubt pocketed by some big fat cat. Anyway, at least rakeback day will supply some sort of recompense.

For convenience sake, and for the benefit of updates, I'm just going to see it as a £600 deposit for a $1000 starting balance for February, so there.

Let's remind ourselves once again of my fantabulous strategy:

For live poker, I've set aside £1000 which I'll use as and when I take a trip into old London Town for the £1/£1 and £1/£2 cash games as well as for a few MTTs. It's looking very likely, by the way, that I'll be heading downtown over the weekend (and I'll do my usual trip report for this). For the online game, the $1000 balance is what I'll use to play with this month. I'll probably start off with some low-limit games, like $25nl and $50, just to get in the swing of things before dipping my toes into the $100nl and $200nl every so often. It's all fairly experimental but we'll see how things go eh?


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