Wednesday 9 February 2011

Hand Count This Month

As I finished my evening session tonight, I thought I'd do a hand count using PokerOfficer. Due to my reluctance to dive wholeheartedly into the fray this month, it's perhaps not surprising that I've only actually played just over 600 cash game hands so far this February. Although this lack of many hands may be, in part, due to my entry into a quite few MTTs, this is not many at all; much less than what a typical pro player puts in, in one day.

Still, things are not going too badly at all at the moment and I'm happy to report that my bankroll is still on the up (but I don't want to state how much, just yet, in case I trigger the doomswitch as I did last month). Tomorrow, I have yet more work commitments which will force me to stay at work till late and probably prevent me from playing much online poker tomorrow as well. I feel totally knackered at the end of a "normal" working day and so any extra nonsense tagged on at the end pretty much kills me off. It's typical of work getting in the bleedin' way.

Finally, as I have 3 out of 3 winning live game sessions thus far this year, I'm going to hit the town this weekend once again for some live poker shenanigens. The Fox has some sort of Betfair linked tournament going on so I will probably give them a miss. I still haven't been to The Vic yet this year so that place is calling me pretty loudly at the moment; maybe I'll get on down there this weekend for some cash game tussles.

Keep on truckin' and a chuggin' along baby!!

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