Saturday 5 February 2011

The Difference Rakeback Makes

It's Saturday morning and I'm sitting up in bed with my laptop. I'll be going into town today for a live session but I haven't really decided which venue to plump for yet. A gentle £35 freezeout at The Fox is certainly calling me so that's looking the most likely at present, although the temptation to play £1/£2 cash games at The Empire will be hard to withstand for obvious reasons. If I do decide on The Fox I'll need to get down there for 6PM cos last time they were queueing outside the door at 6:30PM and I never got round to registering.

Yesterday, I received a $170 rakeback payment at PKR thus lifting my bankroll up to $1180. On top of this, I have secured $50 profit by mainly playing $100nl. Nothing fancy but it puts my bankroll at $1230 and at least it's moving in the right direction. Now, although my online progress has been poor, to say the least, rakeback really does give you a boost at the beginning of the month; particularly if you are looking to repair the previous month's damage.

Unfortunately, you cannot secure a rakeback deal retrospectively after you have registered an account and this is a major headache for a lot of online players. Last week I was chatting with this guy at The Empire who told me that when he started playing online he just registered with loads of sites but never researched rakeback. Now, while registered with virtually every network under the sun he doesn't receive rakeback from ANY site whatsoever - bummer!

Moral: ALWAYS research a rakeback deal before registering with an online poker site.

Personally, I get rakeback from; PKR, Betfair, Poker Heaven and Full Tilt. But I'm still kicking myself for not investigating rakeback deals at other major sites, which I joined years ago, like; Stars, Party, Paddy Power etc etc.
Still, there is one other thing I need to mention before signing off. In previous posts I mentioned my desire to post about short-term results and maintained that it made no difference to my state-of-mind or how I played at the tables. Well, I've decided to take japete's advice and I'm not going to dwell on my results so much in my posts. I will continue to post weekly updates on Sunday evening, cos that's all part of the deal, but I'm just not going to dwell so much on individual sessions. We'll see how it goes.

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