Monday 28 February 2011

Where Did My Current Account Go?

While I was in Bournemouth last week I took advantage of PKR's reload bonus and deposited $193 into my account. The deal is that after clocking up 48250 points, the site will plop another $193 into my account. It's a nice boost and a no-brainer. The maximum you can put in for it is $200, but I put in the $193 cos I wanted my bank account to be on a nice round number.

The thing is, I decided that a further top-up would be nice but this time it declined. I tried again a few times and it just declined everytime. I thought nothing about it but this evening, after I got back from work, I checked my online bank account and discovered that my current account had disappeared! Yep, my current account was no more!! I phoned the bank immediately and after dialling my bank details in was told that my account balance was zero; even AFTER my overdraft limit.

A little concerned, I then got in touch with a person and after telling them the details was immediately put through to their fraud department. They then told me that the bank had frozen the account due to suspicious activity.  After confirmation of a few transactions it was all sorted out and I was told it all would be put back to normal. I think it must have occured because I was trying to get fairly large funds from my account while using a different PC. Still, it was a bit of a scare though.

After playing quite a lot of satellites this month and slowing down greatly online, I've only totted up 3K cash game hands for this month bringing my total for the year to just 9K hands. This is really not very much; I'll try to step it up as we get to March.

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