Sunday 6 March 2011

Big Ouch In The $33, $5K ADDED MTT

We're around the bubble in the above mentioned MTT. Don'tcha just love it when you go all-in and have your villain call with a poor and dominated hand, only to see them hit their 3-outer on the river!?


Poker Stove said this:

And then this on the turn:

But still, it's not all bad:

Just scraping in once again.

And The Next One Please:
Oh, but here I am being seen off in the $35, 2-day, main event when I went all-in preflop against a villain who was playing far too many hands and getting far too frisky for this structure. Needless to say, he called and I dominated with AQ v. KQ.

Poker stove said: this table its... bosh.. and look what hits the flop!:

Of course if it held up, I woulda been back in the game with something resembling a competitive stack. Poker eh?

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