Wednesday 16 March 2011

A Loud Blow On The Trumpet

As my march through March continues to gallop on apace and with a certain milestone being reached (see below) - I have to say that my blog is ripe for a good old brag post. We're about half-way through March now and with just 1.5K hands being played this month, I'm still delighted to inform y'all that I've managed to hit a $1160 (~£715) profit at the online game for the month so far. Unfortunately, with all my hand-histories going AWOL, I'm going to have to split my graphs up a bit. The first one shows my progress from the 1st to the 10th March:

Between taking an image of this and my next chart (below) I had a bit of an accident when my entire bank of PKR hand-histories disappeared. I must have played a good few hundred hands on the laptop and the PC in the interim (including my flippin heck hand) but any record of these have also now been lost. This chart shows my progress since Sunday 13th March up until now:

As you can see by the total hands played, I've not exactly been having heavy sessions over the last few weeks but I've sure been running pretty damn good. Due to mild distractions around me and simply because I've just wanted to play the game at a more leisurely pace I've mainly just been single-tabling - and this suits me just fine.I know I've said it before but Jesus H Christ I'll say it again - bringing the A game to the table is priority number 1.

Now this brings me to my little milestone: thanks largely to a live game profit of £1750 for the year, along with a modest £250 annual profit at the online game, I'm happy to say that I've just topped an overall profit of £2000 for the year 2011! Now in one respect it's good to see that we're looking at a profit here but, in another respect, with more hands that could have been played and a first month from hell it could be (should be?) so much more!! Of course, let's not lose sight of the fact that this figure could easily go down as well as up. But we'll see...we'll see.

Anyway, with another bleedin' parents' evening approaching tomorrow (God I hate them) I'm going to take it easy for the rest of the night, logout from the poker and just bask smugly in the glory of it all for now. Still, with all that self-congratulatory twaddle going on, I sense the self-fulfilling doomswitch being clicked resoundly in the background. Why the hell do I bring this upon myself? Jesus.

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