Saturday 5 March 2011

Live Session #9: Nothing Doing At The Fox

Last night it was a late trip to The Fox and a session on their £1/£1 tables. I arrived there at 10PM, put £200 down at the table and stayed till about 1:45AM. It was one of those painfully slow tables where players would take ages to make decisions, would have to be constantly reminded that it was their turn and regularly reminded what the bet was - even though it was obvious if they just LOOKED AT THE FUCKING CHIPS THE PLAYER JUST PUT IN!

Still, the pain was compounded by going card-dead for the entire session ( I got AKs once, a 77, 66 and a 55 - where only the AK won me any money - but apart from that zilch else to speak of) and getting zero opportunities to get involved in any action with the table maniac who arrived later at the table. I got up from the table £50 down (my 2nd losing live session of the year) and then headed to The Empire which was full and bustling as usual. Unfortunately, after putting my name down on the list and a 15 minute wait, I started getting tired and decided to get the bus back home.

This afternoon, it's a trip to The Emirates, courtesy of PKR, where I'll be enjoying the Arsenal v Sunderland match and then heading for another poker session at either The Fox or The Empire. Let the games begin! A trip report will follow.

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