Sunday 6 March 2011

NOT My Weekly Update

This spot is usually devoted to my weekly update but as I resolved last week to make my updates "monthly" instead, I'll honour my own decision and not go back on the deal. However, as I mentioned before, we poker players are hugely egotistical - and I'm no exception so after a pleasing week, I'll just twaddle on about how my week has gone...

First off, I've had two contrasting live sessions this month. My Friday night session at The Fox was dead dead dead and I endead up £50 down. (Did you see what I did there, with the words? Good eh?) Anyway, after that bollocks, I managed to turn it all around the following night thanks mostly to a £400 pot at The Empire while holding AA which contributed to my overall (£240) winning evening and which puts my live game profits at £190 for the month and £1900 for the year which really can't be bad.

Online, I am pleased to say that after a ropey start, things have started the same way as they did in January and February. i.e. I'm off to a flying start! With an anticipated rakeback payment of ~$130 expected to come my way very soon, my account balance has moved $400 in the right direction this March. Of course, I hope my fortunes don't follow the same course as those two months; where January had me down to the tune of $860 - and me questioning whether to carry on with the blog - and where February had me yo-yoing to an ultimately uneventful break-even month.

All told, although I am down ~£300 this year at the online game, it's thanks to the live arena that I'm actually feeling very content with how my poker journey has gone so far. To a large extent, with so many live game players unable to fold, it seems as if the "sitting tight until you get AA or KK and then chucking it all-in" strategy is actually alive and well and is a thoroughly effective tactic! Still, I'll end with a pointless message to show off my skills in the art of alliteration:

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