Sunday 27 March 2011

Live Session #14: PKR Social - Part 2

Today was the £80 freezeout event but proceedings did not get off to a great start when the beginning was delayed for 30 minutes due to the big march in town. Still, no worries, with the grand entrance of four PKR players dressed as the teletubbies (they were the bounty players) we were up and running. The whole table was good-natured and I think everyone got into the spirit of things; the only known players to me were Elz442, jimmyfizzels and also a regular Fox Club player who was sitting to my left and who had to put up with most of my twaddle - but it was also nice to be joined by James666 who came bounding to the table with his sumo outfit on.

As things went, I was 99.9% card-dead for the whole tourny. I got very few opportunities to get creative and when I did I was given resistance, mainly by a young fella called apdavies01 who just seemed to like tangling with me for some reason. The best hand I had all tourny was 88 and although I got a double up with this from James666 (when he flipped over the 33), from then on my cards were dead dead dead. I can't actually remember my exit hand clearly but I think it was when I held something like K 10 (my second best hand of the tourny) when I had something like 5 or 6 BBs left.

After this it was onto the cash game tables to get given the same crummy cards that I had been given through the tourny. What do you do when you continually get shovelled the shit for hours on end!? Anyway, I met up with the chap called UwillLose at the cash tables; this was the fella who I met at the Arsenal v Sunderland game. He was quite a character it has to be said but when I went to shake him by the hand I got a real telling off from the women sitting between us who said I shouldn't be waving my hand around near her chips! I kind of took exception to this and tried to reason with her but I was the one who was taken aside with a warning from the floor manager! To be fair, other players were telling me to just drop it as well and I know I probably carried on for longer than was necessary but... there ya go.

After this I sat on kickofff's table with the likes of KKowboy, mrj1210, lugfest369, LockeLamora et al. Again, the cards were dire and so after a while I decided it was best to take my leave. For some reason, I stupidly decided to give The Empire a go and ended up sitting down with £300 at a newly formed £1/£3 table. Needless to say I ended up face down with my head on my stack of chips, half asleep, and was politely asked to leave by the floor manager who said that due to the state I was in he was actually saving me money - which was probably true I suppose.

As always, it was good to meet some of the PKR players and staff in the flesh and it's nice that most of the players tolerate my twaddle at the table. There were just a few cold-shoulders, it has to be said, but these were a very very small minority.

Unfortunately (keeping the negativity going) if you count the £80 for the freezout along with all cash game shenanigens AND the sit 'n' go losses then I have ended up down £300 over the two days. It also means that I am down £230 at the live game for the month of March. Boo. Thankfully despite a little dip recently my online game has generally come on in leaps and bounds this month and have tipped the scales in my favour and into the green for March so far.

P.S. I'm really starting to question whether I just forgot to cash out my chips and left them on the table. I hardly played any hands yet I'm down £200! It doesn't make any sense.

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