Sunday 27 March 2011

Did I Leave My Chips At The Table!?

Ok, now I'm wondering if I actually cashed out my chips from The Fox when I left on Saturday night. I've been thinking about this. I know I'd had a few but I really can't understand how I was down £200 when I'd hardly played any hands! I really think I just left without cashing out whatever chips I left on the table. I've messaged a few of the PKR players who were sitting at the table and I'll see what they say. Funny.

P.S. It's now the next day and I'm at work. It was too late to phone The Fox yesterday when I started doubting that I had actually lost £200 and I'm at work now. I really don't fancy phoning a poker club from the staff room or English Office and asking if I left chips on the table. I think I'll give the club a ring tonight and find out. I wonder what the ruling would be if I had actually left them there after all?
P.S. Mystery solved: Ok, a few of the PKR players got back to me: I definitely did cashout around £100 in chips on Saturday night which means I definitely was down £200Drunk poker - don't do it kids!

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