Sunday 27 March 2011

Live Session #13: PKR Social - Part 1

It's now Sunday afternoon and I'm sitting up in bed with my laptop. I've got one of those horrible colds where the throat is sore and it hurts to swallow. I've got a slight headache and a queezy stomach from over-drinking and my legs are very achey and tired from having walked a long way last night when I fell asleep on the bus and ended up in Bromley - about 6 miles from where I live! I wasn't even quite sure exactly where I was as I slept on the bus the whole way - and the bus stopped in the middle of suburbia somewhere when we got kicked off! (I think it may have been Grove Park.) There were no other buses or taxis in sight and it was bloody freezing so I just had to let my instincts guide me in the right direction. NOT nice.

Anyway, the PKR Social event has come and gone and I think I may have made a bit of a fool of myself yet again. I definitely remember shouting obnoxiously at people from my table on the Saturday and I remember upsetting a certain player who took exception to me reaching across her space to shake someone by the hand. I knew she was very annoyed at me for doing this and I think I provoked her a little bit but at least she didn't end up slapping me in the face - which she certainly looked like she wanted to do.

Things started on the Friday evening with a few mad sit 'n' go formats. I arrived a little early and was told it wasn't opening until 8 o'clock so I popped into a nearby pub with a fella called ZenPagan, who was also outside, and we also got chatting to a guy called ShortfinMako. Back in The Fox, there were four sit 'n' go tables; three-card holdem; a round of each; pairings and some other version where you got extra cards or something (but I didn't play that one). It really was all about having a laugh and meeting new people so it was all good. Results-wise, out of the three I played, I just cashed in the pairings while teamed up with a fella called mrj1210 and so won the £10 back meaning overall I ended up £23 down (counting the £1 fees).

To be honest, Friday night was all a bit of a blur as I drunk quite heavily both on the Friday and the Saturday. There were also just far too many names to recall here on the blog as well - I just don't have the energy to remember every detail so I'll just say there were a lorra lorra laughs. Oh, I ended up having to walk home about two or three miles on the Friday night as well.

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