Sunday 20 March 2011

Spew! Spew! Barney Mcgrew...

...Cuthbert! Dibble! Grub!

That was Captain Flack's roll-call at the beginning of every episode to Trumpton which was a TV programme for kids way back in the good ol' 70s. (Well, he actually said "Pugh! Pugh! Barney Mcgrew..." but you get the idea.) Check out the way the fire engine tears dangerously down the streets of Trumpton on the way to an emergency in the opening clip. That roll-call has been indelibly stamped on my memory from when I used to watch it meself on my days off from school - great stuff.
Anyway, it had to happen I suppose and I guess today had to be the day. I still think I must be on some sort of "winning tilt" because after a very good start to the month and waking up to around a $1350 profit in my PKR account this morning, I managed to spew a cool $300 today and I'm now looking at a $1050 profit instead.


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