Monday 14 March 2011

Re-reading "Elements Of Poker"

Back in December of last year, I posted my "Top 10 Poker Books (Plus 2 More)" and wrote short reviews next to each to explain why I liked them. One book that I left out was Caro's "Most Profitable Hold 'Em Advice" which I think I could have put into the "General Strategy" section of that post. Another one I left out is called "The Elements Of Poker" by Tommy Angelo which I'm rereading now after hearing it being mentioned a few times recently in a favourable light. After finishing the first section on "Universal Elements" today, and even picking it up for the second time, I'm still undecided about this book:

As an old student of philosophy (and trying hard not to disappear up my own arse) the style of writing reminds me of good old Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" where little nuggets of information are sprinkled around and where the occasional bright lights really do make you stop and ponder at length on the depth of what has been said. The book is not so much about strategy but more on the mindset you need to have when sitting at the table - well, the first sections cover this quite comprehensively anyway.

What I like about it is that the writer has a strong live, bricks & mortar, background rather than having stronger links with the internet game. The section following "Universal Elements" is called "Table Poker" and focuses exclusively on live poker. Looking at the second half of the book, it appears to get a little too maths/stats heavy for my liking which is possibly why it didn't make my Top 10. Nevertheless, I'll delve into the "Table Poker" section over the next few days and see how the book pans out.

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