Friday 4 March 2011

A Fun Weekend Awaits

It's now Friday morning and I'm in the school library while I have a free lesson. Work is getting a bit stressful (well, everyday is stressful) and I have a mountain of work to do so I thought I'd do a quick blog entry for therapeutic reasons.

Even though the weather remains bloody freezing, I think I might take myself off into town tonight for a session at either The Fox or The Empire. I still haven't been to The Vic in ages but the general feeling is that the games are tougher there and I reckon my edge at The Empire, these days, is far too big to ignore. It depends how I feel but at the moment I'd say there's about a 60% chance that I'll be heading into town.

Being a VIP member at PKR (diamond or platinum membership) does have its perks and the good people at PKR have invited me to watch the Arsenal v. Sunderland game at The Emirates on Saturday afternoon. Now I'm not the huge football nut that I used to be and I don't particularly have a big interest in the result but I think it'll be an interesting experience. Afterwards, again, as the journey home will involve travelling through the heart of London, I think I may just pop into either The Fox or The Empire again for an evening session. Again, though, this will depend on my mood.

Finally, on Sunday (and I will need to check this when I get home today) PKR are holding a $35 MTT with a mega-slow structure. It's actually the slowest structure I have ever seen in an online tourney and certainly for that buy-in. As far as I recall, you get 10000 chips, 30 minutes for each level on the clock and it runs over two days!! i.e. an evening session on Sunday night followed by an evening session on the Monday.

Anyway, roll on 3 o'clock for chrissake, for chrissake roll on 3 o'clock!!

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