Sunday 13 March 2011

PKR Hand Histories - Gone!

Way back in January, I bought myself the full version of Holdem Manager for around £60. From the off it just didn't import my PKR hand histories properly and I never got to see an accurate graph of my progress or got to mess around with stats and stuff. Today, in an effort to get this bloody thing working I started importing hands into HEM from all sorts of sources but still no up-to-date accurate graph appeared.

At one point I downloaded and installed the updated version of HEM but think I might have left the PKR client open while doing so. It may have been as a result of this but somehow ALL of my PKR hand-history files have been wiped!! This means that neither Holdem Manager or PokerOfficer can find any files now before 12th March 2011.

With everything back to zilch, and my 5-year old laptop only having its operating system re-installed the once, AND with a lot of things just "chugging" at the moment on this computer, I think that a complete re-install of the operating system is now in order. Of course, this means that any graph I post from now, from the laptop, will not show any results prior to March 12th 2011.


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