Thursday 31 March 2011


Right, so it's a fairly dreary Thursday morning and I've decided I need the day off work; I'm really not feeling 100% with this damn cold and I need a break for the day so there. As such, I've decided that now would be a good time to get my March update in the bag.

Well, live-wise, there is nothing really mega to report on the profit and loss front. I started with small winning and losing sessions which had me up £70 by mid-March. However, my drunken session at the PKR social hit me for £300 and I've ended up £230 down for the month. The £300 dent includes the twenty odd quid for the SnGs, the £80 for the freezeout main event and the £200 for the cash game "fun" at the end.

Thankfully, online is a different story. I know I've banged on about it in my posts but by mid-March, I was up a cool £800. Since then the old balance has been yo-yoing somewhat and has panned out fairly evenly. The frustrating thing about this is that, although I've been very pleased with my table selection play, outers on the river being hit by suspect players cost me dear.

With a stop-loss sum enforced (and £500 banked for March) I allowed myself around $100 with which to play out the last few days of the month. After turning this into $200, yesterday a sudden spin up of $340, over just 15 hands, pushed me back in the right direction and I'm now feeling fine with how the month has ended.

As I mentioned before, for convenience sake, the following update is all in pounds (£) but, obviously, a bit of give-and-take is needed due to the fluctuating exchange rate.

ONLINE: MARCH  +£810 /  YEAR: +£350
LIVE: MARCH -£230  /  YEAR: +£1470
TOTAL: MARCH +£580  /  YEAR: +£1820
Obviously, I have to feel ok about the yearly figures being in green and the recording of another winning month overall. I have mixed feelings about the monthly "live" figure being in red though. Let's be honest, playing the drunk donk at the PKR social may be fun at the time and may be a relatively small price to pay for a good time - but if I were sober and played my "A" game rather than my "D" game I may have had some chance of actually winning some monies.
Still, to make calculations easier, I'll be making a small deposit into my PKR account later today so that I've got a nice round figure in there for the start of April.

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