Thursday 10 March 2011

Why Join The Table Of Death?

As a player who plays regularly on PKR, practically everyday, I like to think that I get to know who the good players are, particularly among the regulars. Also, as someone who likes to think he knows his own limitations, I like to look out for myself when I go hunting in the jungle. I don't mind saying that I will avoid a place where too many large and dangerous predators prowl and will generally roam where the less wild creatures are. I don't mind mixing it if I have to and I'll have chunks taken out of me from time to time, for sure, but I do manage to survive. 

Now although I may be describing an evil and treacherous place where only the survival of the fittest win through - this is exactly what online cash game poker is all about. When you go out hunting you have to make sure you limit the dangers you face but for God's sake why throw yourself into the lion's den!? A while back I touched upon this in my brother's "whirlpool theory" where I expressed bewilderment at why really good, decent players put themselves in danger by matching themselves up with other obviously good players. (Is it really just for the practice!?)

Well, as I was surveying the battlefield today I came across a couple of "tables of death" where, surely, no one in their right mind would sit down at. Maybe I shouldn't but I'm just going to go right on ahead and post them anyway:

Table 1

  Table 2

Now unless I'm well wide of the mark, these are all good players. (On Table #2 Muzone was up to his "Muzowning" antics and was just leaving after bagging $603 for himself.) But why would all these players sit down to play each other in the first place!?

I'm still puzzled.

1 comment:

  1. theres only one grim reaper at that table and it looks like hes leaving anyway. pretty soft spot if you ask me.
