Wednesday 30 March 2011

A Frustrating Second Half Of The Month

First off, I'm WELL under the weather at the moment with the most shockingly bad cold I've had in years. I'm thinking of heading for a day off work tomorrow but I'm not sure. I'll see how I am in the morning.

No doubt about it, the second part to March has just been very frustrating. I'm at about break-even since the middle of the month at the online game and a lot of this, once again, has been down to opponents hitting their bleedin' outers on the river. In the last hand on Sunday, for instance, I held an ace with a 44AA board only for my opponent to spike his 1-outer (the 4) on the river! Big ouch!! Big loss of monies!!!

Then yesterday, I end up with this little beauty:

Flush draw, under the gun, now let me see...

Yep, there was a touch of desperation in the call on the flop but I felt it was worth a pop at the time. As it was, the hand meant a loss of just $25 as I collected from Mr Big Stack. Still, I could have done without seeing that full house on the river as it woulda given me a good boost. Anyway...


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