Saturday 19 March 2011

Winning Tilt

Just as every cloud has a silver lining so does every rose have a thorn and after being showered with gifts at the online game this month, I'm at that point where I'm experiencing just a little bit of frustration at the tables. Now, of course, getting frustrated is all part of the general scheme of things but when "winning tilt" rears its head we have to be as wary as ever and be especially on our guard. Protecting ourselves from the onset of tilt is crucial.

To clarify my thoughts on this, "Winning tilt", as far as I know, is the feeling you get when you've been so used to getting rewarded, that when the pipes suddenly get blocked and things don't quite flow as they have - a tiny feeling of resentment sets in. Thoughts like; "Where have my pocket kings and aces gone?"; "Why aren't I hitting any goddam flops anymore?" and "Why the hell am I calling so much?" come creeping into the consciousness.
I suppose, in a way, it's like being spoilt.

Now as these thoughts have taken me over a bit in the last few days I've decided it's best to have a short break from the online game today. It's Saturday morning and the sun is shining down gloriously so I'm heading off into town. Later, I'll be popping into The Fox to play their £38 freezeout which starts at 7PM and then, maybe, I'll hit The Empire or stay at The Fox for a little £1/£1; I don't know, it all depends where the mood takes me.


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